French Bulldog Full Grown

All about a French Bulldog Full Grown

Me and my brother have two fully grown French Bulldogs. So I can assure you that they are amusing to have. They would bring joy to your life and people around them. A lot of dog owners say that French Bulldogs when fully grown, would snort while they sleep. Well, I second that saying because they do groan a lot compared to other breeds. That’s one of the main reasons why French Bulldogs have the nickname “Clown Dogs.” Another main reason for that nickname is that their “Bat like” ears.

French Bulldogs are also famous for being a high-class doggo breed. A lot of celebrities have French Bulldogs like our beloved Leonardo DiCaprio and Martha Stewart.

When we talk about French Bulldogs, an essential thing is their size. They don’t grow big like a typical dog breed. So it’s crucial to know French Bulldog full grown sizes and puppy sizes. So, let’s have a quick comparison.

French Bull Dog - Growth Chart

This is the most common French Bulldog grown chart. For more information, mainly regarding this breed’s growth details and specifics, you need to know if you are planning to get a French Bulldog puppy. You can visit this website for more information.

The main concern regarding this dog breed is that they require more money to be maintained. That’s one of the main reasons why French Bulldogs are considered a high-class breed. So you definitely have to keep that in mind if you are planning to buy this doggo breed.

Table of Contents

History of French Bulldogs

Just like in their name, French Bulldogs originated from France. They are a direct outcome of a cross between local ratters in Paris, France, and Toy Bulldogs. However, that breed was imported from England, and this breeding was done in the early 1800s. This new small breed (French Bulldogs) became so popular as a pet dog very quickly. As in 2021, French Bulldogs hold the 2nd place as the most popular dog breed in America according to The American Kennel Club and also the second most popular dog breed in The United Kingdom.

This breed was called “Frenchies” in the early 1800s, and when craftsmen moved to France with their Frenchies in the 1860s, they became very popular and branded the name “French Bulldog.” And now, in general, French Bulldogs are very popular worldwide and are considered a high-class breed, so these doggos have also become a finance statement around the world because you can show the world that you are rich by having a French Bulldog.

Despite that, they are an excellent dog breed to have. They will light your life with happiness and will fill your heart with their love.

French Bulldog Full Grown Weight

A full-grown French Bulldog weight 18 – 24 pounds (8.1 – 10.8 kg). They will increase their weight until they are almost 20 months old. So it’s essential to keep them on a proper diet while they grow, or it will cause adverse effects on their growth. They also tend to get more obese if they don’t get a good diet. If this happens, then it will lead to a lot of health issues. So keep in mind that your doggo has a good healthy diet with all the necessary nutrition.

French Bulldog Full Grown Height

In general, their height will stop growing after twelve months. So at this time, they will grow tall up to 11 – 12 inches (28 – 30.5 centimeters). But keep in mind that as mentioned above, they will still gain weight even after they stop growing their height. So you have to give them more nutrition as your vet recommends until their growing period ends.

French Bulldog Grooming

French Bulldog Full Grown

French Bulldog full grown usually doesn’t shed a lot of hair. But it’s a good habit to brush them once a week. Experts have said that it will make it easy to grow new hair and remove old hair. Also, it will make your doggo look proper and good. Also, if you brush your French Bulldog once per week, it will circulate its natural skin oil around its body, and it will make your doggo’s hair coat more healthy.

Unlike other breeds, you don’t have to cut or trim their hair since they have very short hair. Since they are usually an immaculate breed, you don’t have to bathe them very often. Instead, give them a proper bath once every one or two months. But keep in mind that bathing them is not a simple task. French Bulldogs are very vulnerable to allergies, especially shampoo allergies. So make sure that you get a specifically recommended shampoo from a vet.

Also, when you are giving them a bath, make sure you don’t wet their face because since they have folds on their faces, water can trap between those folds, and cause infections in the future. So after you finish your doggo’s bath, lift up those folds on their face and check if they are adequately dried. Also, check if your pups have any irritation signs after the bath. They will be irritated after a bath if those folds are wet. It’s best if you use dog-friendly wet wipes to clean those folds on their face.

Keep in mind that French Bulldogs are also vulnerable to skin issues like rashes. So notice if your doggo has any hotspots or red skin. It might be a reaction to something in their own environment. If you see anything suspicious, tell your vet. There are lots of medicines available for your doggo’s allergies.

Since French Bulldogs are not a sporty type, their nails tend to grow long very fast. So it’s imperative to trim their nails regularly. However, long nails could cause them pain and other complications, so it’s best to cut them before they grow too long. Dog experts advise that you start trimming their nails when they are pups so your doggos would get used to it.

Another grooming thing you have to be aware of tear stains under their eyes. They are not harmful to them, but sometimes, they can cause infections. These tear stains are very easy to notice if your doggo is a light-colored French Bulldog. I have noticed that they tend to suddenly try to rub their faces on walls or furniture when this infection happens. So if your doggo suddenly starts to do that or if you notice any kind of redness around their eyes, it’s better to get advice from your vet.

Also, most varieties of French Bulldogs have tail pockets. Like folds on their face, these little tail pockets should be checked daily for signs of infections, and it’s better if you clean them multiple times a week.   

French Bulldog Activities and Exercises

French Bulldog Full Grown

French Bulldog full grown are not sporting dogs. But they require about one hour per day of exercise. In addition, French Bulldogs can have critical breathing issues since they have flat faces. So it would be ideal if you do short and slow walks and have plenty of rest between these walks.

Despite their lack of physique, they are very playful dogs. My doggos really love belly scratches, and I have found out that it’s a common thing regarding this breed. Also, they love puzzle toys and fetching. Give them mental exercises too so they would be delighted.

It’s not ideal for French Bulldogs to have long walks because it’s really unhealthy for their joints. They are highly vulnerable to spinal and joint issues.

Also, you should keep track of their activities during warmer weather since they have trouble breathing due to their flat face. They can get overheat pretty easy during these weathers.

Another primary concern regarding French Bulldogs is that they can quickly get overweight. So if they get chubby pups, you will have to get advice from your vet. However, if this happens, you can reduce their weight by doing 3 easy things.

1. More Exercise

You can do more exercises and activities for your doggo more than the recommended amount. But keep in mind that you should get advice from your vet about this because if you do more exercises for your doggo, it would lead to more health issues.

2. Don’t give them human food

The main fault most dog owners do is give your doggo your food straight from your plate. This will definitely lead to obesity especially French Bulldogs. So you have to stop doing that because it’s very unhealthy for your doggo, and they don’t need that. So only give the required amount of healthy food.

3. Make sure they have a healthy diet

Consult with your vet and make sure you give them only the necessary food with the proper amount. Also, watch the calorie intake of your doggo, so they don’t get more chubby. A French Bulldog should eat around 25 to 30 calories per pound of body weight per day. Usually this will be around 600 calories per day. For some detailed information you can check this website.

Life Span

French Bulldog Full Grown

French Bulldog full grown will have 10 to 14 years of a life span. If your doggo is very healthy, then they can easily live up to 12 years and more. My first French Bulldog lived up to thirteen and a half years. If your doggo is in good health and has proper exercise daily, then they can easily live up to most of their life span.

A healthy diet is also a critical factor if you want your doggo to live a happy life. So a healthy diet for a French Bulldog should have high-quality animal protein. You can get that from meat, fish, and poultry.  Also, fat provides healthy energy as calories. You must also include plenty of omega fatty acids for your pups so their skin and coat will be healthy and shiny. Fruits and vegetables such as apple, cucumbers, bananas, mangos, cranberries, carrots, strawberries, spinach, oranges, pumpkins, and sweet potato are good and healthy for French Bulldogs.

There are main health concerns regarding French Bulldogs.

  • Hip Dysplasia

This illness comes from genetics and it happens due to poorly fitting hip joints. Doggos with this condition might not show any symptoms at first. However, sometimes they can become a bit lazy. But in old age, a dog with this condition will be highly vulnerable to arthritis.

  • Brachycephalic Syndrome

This condition is not always critical, but it can be fatal sometimes. This happens when your French Bulldog has narrow nostrils, and it’s obstructing breathing. You can identify this by your dog’s snuffles. If it snuffles a lot, then they might have this syndrome. So in severe cases, vets will do surgery to correct this issue. 

  • Different Bone Problems

They can develop ruptures on their spinal discs. Sometimes, back and knee problems may occur for your doggo. This will cause pain for your pups, so if you realize that your doggo is in pain, don’t try to give them medicine to ease up the pain. Instead, take them to a vet and explain the situation.

  • Allergies

Just like us humans, this dog breed can suffer from allergies very commonly. It can cause due to the air they breathe, from food they ate, or a particular substance they get in contact with. Treatments usually depend on the severity of the allergy. If it’s serious, then you should get your doggo to a vet immediately.

  • Von Willebrand’s Disease

This illness is where that blood cannot clot properly to heal injuries. So your doggo will be more vulnerable to bleeding. But this can be appropriately managed. So your pups can enjoy a whole joyful life to the fullest. However, if your dog has this illness, keep an eye out for nose or gum bleeding. Also, blood on his stool can happen when your dog has this condition. So if you see any of that, then you should get help from your vet.

Fully Grown French Bulldog Temperament  

French Bulldog Full Grown

French Bulldogs are, famous for their friendly personality. Even though they are not sporty dogs, they are very playful with humans. They also listen to their owners. They are also very friendly and affectionate. They can easily recognize your emotions, so they would try to show their affection to you. They are also known to be very patient and alert around their surroundings.

They are also very bright so it’s easy to train them. You can train them to act for simple commands like sit, come, stop, etc. They also love to cuddle. My Frenchies would hop up and cuddle me every time they could. This is a prevalent behaviour among this breed because it would make them feel like a part of the human pack. You (the dog owner) are the pack leader, so they need the love and security from you, and would feel that by cuddling you.

They tend to be a bit aggressive if they are not socialized properly when they are little. So if you want others to be comfortable with your doggo, you must socialize them frequently at an early age. For example, my first French Bulldog was not socialized with many people when he was a puppy, and I noticed that it made him very aggressive. But after he got socialized properly, that aggression reduced a lot.

Some people don’t socialize their French Bulldogs on purpose to make their doggo more aggressive. It’s not a problem but keep in mind that you must give them your attention and affection more because they need it.

You can also leave your French Bulldog alone for a couple of hours at a time. This will be totally harmless for your doggo. But if they are left alone for more than a couple of hours (more than 4 hours), that can cause separation anxiety. If they start to whine or bark continuously or starts to scratch doors and windows, then that would mean that they are developing this separation anxiety. If this happens, then you have to take your doggo to a vet. You might need to give them some medication also to calm them down if this happens.

So if you are living by yourself, you have to consider this fact about French Bulldog because you cannot leave your dog by themselves for an extended time. So if you don’t have a long-term solution for that issue, I would strongly recommend that you reconsider buying a French Bulldog. Because they need their owner by their side more than a typical doggo. So, if you can’t provide that, then it might lead to severe mental distress.  

French Bulldog Price

French Bulldog Full Grown

As I mentioned before, French Bulldogs are considered a high-class breed for multiple reasons. The main reason is their price can go up to six figures in US dollars. A typical French Bulldog’s price varies from $1800 to $4500 in America. Their average cost is about $2800. You should definitely buy a French Bulldog from a well-reputed dog breeder. A puppy from a price-winner French Bulldog can go up to more than $100,000. Their price also depends on their genes (hair color), bloodline, breeder, location, and pedigree. Blue Merle is considered the rarest color, so naturally, that is the most expensive color. Another reason for the high price is that their increased popularity for the last 20 years.

The other main reason for them to be high classed dog breed is their maintenance cost. On average, it would take about $2200 per year to maintain one French Bulldog in America. This includes food, toys, vet bills, insurance, and many more expenses. Compared to other dog breeds, this is very high. And keep in mind that this is ($2200) is the usual amount. It can increase potentially due to many reasons. It can increase due to climate, your doggo’s health issues, how you treat your dog (if you want to buy more and more toys for your pups), etc. So keep in mind that you need to have a lot of money to have a French Bulldog. If you don’t have that kind of money and still try to buy one, it might lead to many issues, so keep that in mind.

There are other everyday things that people ask about French Bulldogs, like “Why do French Bulldogs stink?” This happens when they don’t get enough baths. But you can’t bathe them more than usual because it would be harmful to your doggo. If they get dirty in between baths, you can use dog-friendly wet wipes to clean your pups, and that will prevent any kind of stink your doggo may have. Another question people ask is that if they are worth the money? If you are a dog enthusiast and have a special affection for this breed, it’s definitely worth the money. But as I said at the beginning of this article, if you try to buy this breed as a financial statement and want to prove to others that you are rich by owning a French Bulldog, then it’s not worth it because it will not be a good situation for both you and the doggo. So you should buy a French Bulldog only if you really love that doggo breed.

French Bulldog Full Grown

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